100 Business Math Questions and Answers (The Complete MBA CourseWork Series Book 2)

100 Business Math Questions and Answers (The Complete MBA CourseWork Series Book 2)

Matematika bantuuu jawab dong :((​

bantuuu jawab dong :((​

2x - 5y = -21 (persamaan 1)

3x + 2y = -3 (persamaan 2)

jawab :

metode gabungan (subsitusi dan eliminasi). eliminasikan x

2x - 5y = -21 (x3) 6x - 15y = -63

3x + 2y = -3 (x2) 6x + 4y = -6

-------------------- - (dikurang)

-19y = -57

y = 3

lalu subsitusikan y ke salah satu persamaan..

2x - 5y = -21

2x - 5(3) = -21

2x - 15 = -21

2x = -21 + 15

2x = -6

x = -3

nilai dari 4x + 6y :

= 4(-3) + 6(3)

= -12 + 18

= 6

jawabannya adalah 6
